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Python Usage


The image processing workflow can also be controlled via Python API.

To do so, first define the parameters:

from lls_core import LatticeData

params = LatticeData(

Then save the result to disk:

Or work with the images in memory:

for slice in params.process():

Other more advanced options are listed below.


Cropping functionality can be enabled by setting the crop parameter:

from lls_core import LatticeData, CropParams 

params = LatticeData(

Other more advanced options are listed below.

Type Checking

Because of Pydantic idiosyncrasies, the LatticeData constructor can accept more data types than the type system realises. For example, input_image="/some/path" like we used above is not considered correct, because ultimately the input image has to become an xarray (aka DataArray). You can solve this in three ways.

The first is to use the types precisely as defined. In this case, we might define the parameters "correctly" (if verbosely) like this:

from lls_core import LatticeData
from aicsimageio import AICSImage
from pathlib import Path

params = LatticeData(

The second is to use LatticeData.parse_obj, which takes a dictionary of options and allows incorrect types:

params = LatticeData.parse_obj({
  "input_image": "/path/to/some/file.tiff",
  "save_dir": "/path/to/output"

Finally, if you're using MyPy, you can install the pydantic plugin, which solves this problem via the init_typed = False option.

API Docs


Parameters for the entire deskewing process, including outputs and optional steps such as deconvolution. This is the recommended entry point for Python users: construct an instance of this class, and then perform the processing using methods.

Note that none of this class's methods have any parameters: all parameters are class fields for validation purposes.


Name Type Description Default
input_image DataArray

A 3-5D array containing the image data. Can be anything convertible to an Xarray, including a dask.array or numpy.ndarray. Can also be provided as a str, in which case it must indicate the path to an image to load from disk.

skew DeskewDirection

Axis along which to deskew the image. Choices: {"X", "Y"}. These can be provided as str.

<DeskewDirection.Y: 2>
angle float

Angle of deskewing, in degrees, as a float.

physical_pixel_sizes DefinedPixelSizes

Pixel size of the microscope, in microns. This can alternatively be provided as a tuple[float] of (Z, Y, X)

derived DerivedDeskewFields

Refer to the DerivedDeskewFields docstring

save_dir DirectoryPath

The directory where the output data will be saved. This can be specified as a str or Path.

save_suffix str

The filename suffix that will be used for output files. This will be added as a suffix to the input file name if the input image was specified using a file name. If the input image was provided as an in-memory object, the save_name field should instead be specified.

save_name str

The filename that will be used for output files. This should not contain a leading directory or file extension. The final output files will have additional elements added to the end of this prefix to indicate the region of interest, channel, timepoint, file extension etc.

save_type SaveFileType

The data type to save the result as. This will also be used to determine the file extension of the output files. Choices: {"h5", "tiff"}. Choices can alternatively be specifed as str, for example 'tiff'.

<SaveFileType.h5: 'h5'>
time_range range

The range of times to process. This defaults to all time points in the image array.

channel_range range

The range of channels to process. This defaults to all time points in the image array.

deconvolution DeconvolutionParams | None

Parameters associated with the deconvolution. If this is None, then deconvolution is disabled

crop CropParams | None

Cropping parameters. If this is None, then cropping is disabled

workflow Workflow | None

If defined, this is a workflow to add lightsheet processing onto

progress_bar bool

If true, show progress bars



process() -> ImageSlices

Execute the processing and return the result. This will not execute the attached workflow.


process_workflow() -> WorkflowSlices

Runs the workflow on each slice and returns the workflow results


save() -> None

Apply the processing, and saves the results to disk. Results can be found in save_dir.


Parameters for the optional deconvolution step


Name Type Description Default
decon_processing DeconvolutionChoice

Hardware to use to perform the deconvolution. Choices: {"cuda_gpu", "opencl_gpu", "cpu"}. Can be provided as str.

<DeconvolutionChoice.cpu: 'cpu'>
psf List[DataArray]

List of Point Spread Functions to use for deconvolution. Each of which should be a 3D array. Each PSF can also be provided as a str path, in which case they will be loaded from disk as images.

decon_num_iter NonNegativeInt

Number of iterations to perform in deconvolution

background float | Literal[str, str]

Background value to subtract for deconvolution. Only used when decon_processing is set to GPU. This can either be a literal number, "auto" which uses the median of the last slice, or "second_last" which uses the median of the last slice.



Parameters for the optional cropping step. Note that cropping is performed in the space of the deskewed shape. This is to support the workflow of performing a preview deskew and using that to calculate the cropping coordinates.


Name Type Description Default
roi_list List[Roi]

List of regions of interest, each of which must be an N × D array, where N is the number of vertices and D the coordinates of each vertex. This can alternatively be provided as a str or Path, or a list of those, in which case each they are interpreted as paths to ImageJ ROI zip files that are read from disk.

roi_subset List[int]

A subset of all the ROIs to process. Each list item should be an index into the ROI list indicating an ROI to include. This allows you to process only a subset of the regions from a ROI file specified using the roi_list parameter. If None, it is assumed that you want to process all ROIs.

z_range Tuple[NonNegativeInt, NonNegativeInt]

The range of Z slices to take as a tuple of the form (first, last). All Z slices before the first index or after the last index will be cropped out.



A collection of image slices, which is the main output from deskewing. This holds an iterable of output image slices before they are saved to disk, and provides a save_image() method for this purpose.


Name Type Description Default
slices Iterable[ProcessedSlice[Union[Array, ndarray[Any, dtype[+ScalarType]], Array, DataArray]]]

Iterable of result slices. For a given slice, you can access the image data through the property, which is a numpy-like array.

lattice_data ForwardRef('LatticeData')

The "parent" LatticeData that was used to create this result



roi_previews() -> Iterable[ArrayLike]

Extracts a single 3D image for each ROI



Saves result slices to disk


The counterpart of ImageSlices, but for workflow outputs. This is needed because workflows have vastly different outputs that may include regular Python types rather than only image slices.


Name Type Description Default
slices Iterable[ProcessedSlice[Union[Tuple[Union[Array, ndarray[Any, dtype[+ScalarType]], Array, DataArray, dict, list]], Array, ndarray[Any, dtype[+ScalarType]], Array, DataArray, dict, list]]]

Iterable of raw workflow results, the exact nature of which is determined by the author of the workflow. Not typically useful directly, and using he result of .process() is recommended instead.

lattice_data ForwardRef('LatticeData')

The "parent" LatticeData that was used to create this result



process() -> Iterable[ProcessedWorkflowOutput]

Incrementally processes the workflow outputs, and returns both image paths and data frames of the outputs, for image slices and dict/list outputs respectively


roi_previews() -> Iterable[NDArray]

Extracts a single 3D image for each ROI


save() -> Iterable[Path]

Processes all workflow outputs and saves them to disk. Images are saved in the format specified in the LatticeData, while other data types are saved as a CSV. Remember to call list() on this to exhaust the generator and run the computation.


Result class for one single workflow output, after it has been processed.


Name Type Description Default
index int

An enumeration.

roi_index int | None

An enumeration.

data Path | DataFrame

An enumeration.

lattice_data ForwardRef('LatticeData')

An enumeration.



save() -> Path

Puts this artifact on disk by saving any DataFrame to CSV, and returning the path to the image or CSV


Like PhysicalPixelSizes, but it's a dataclass, and none of its fields are None


Name Type Description Default
X NonNegativeFloat

Size of the X dimension of the microscope pixels, in microns.

Y NonNegativeFloat

Size of the Y dimension of the microscope pixels, in microns.

Z NonNegativeFloat

Size of the Z dimension of the microscope pixels, in microns.



Fields that are automatically calculated based on other fields in DeskewParams. Grouping these together into one model makes validation simpler.


Name Type Description Default
deskew_vol_shape Tuple[int, ...]

Dimensions of the deskewed output. This is set automatically based on other input parameters, and doesn't need to be provided by the user.

deskew_affine_transform AffineTransform3D

Deskewing transformation function. This is set automatically based on other input parameters, and doesn't need to be provided by the user.



Choice of File extension to save