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Command Line Interface



lls-pipeline [OPTIONS] [INPUT_IMAGE]


  [INPUT_IMAGE]                   Path to the image file to read, in a format
                                  readable by AICSImageIO, for example .tiff
                                  or .czi
  --skew [X|Y]                    Axis along which to deskew the image.
                                  Choices: `{"X", "Y"}`. These can be provided
                                  as `str`.   \[default: Y]
  --angle FLOAT                   Angle of deskewing, in degrees, as a float.
                                  \[default: 30.0]
  --physical-pixel-sizes <FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT>...
                                  Pixel size of the microscope, in microns.
                                  This can alternatively be provided as a
                                  `tuple[float]` of `(Z, Y, X)` This takes
                                  three arguments, corresponding to the Z, Y
                                  and X pixel dimensions respectively
                                  \[default: 0.3, 0.1499219272808386,
  --roi-list PATH                 List of regions of interest, each of which
                                  must be an `N × D` array, where N is the
                                  number of vertices and D the coordinates of
                                  each vertex. This can alternatively be
                                  provided as a `str` or `Path`, or a list of
                                  those, in which case each they are
                                  interpreted as paths to ImageJ ROI zip files
                                  that are read from disk.
  --roi-subset INTEGER            A subset of all the ROIs to process. Each
                                  list item should be an index into the ROI
                                  list indicating an ROI to include. This
                                  allows you to process only a subset of the
                                  regions from a ROI file specified using the
                                  `roi_list` parameter. If `None`, it is
                                  assumed that you want to process all ROIs.
  --z-range <INTEGER INTEGER>...  The range of Z slices to take as a tuple of
                                  the form `(first, last)`. All Z slices
                                  before the first index or after the last
                                  index will be cropped out.
  --deconvolution / --disable-deconvolution
                                  \[default: disable-deconvolution]
  --decon-processing [cuda_gpu|opencl_gpu|cpu]
                                  Hardware to use to perform the
                                  deconvolution. Choices: `{"cuda_gpu",
                                  "opencl_gpu", "cpu"}`. Can be provided as
                                  `str`.   \[default: cpu]
  --psf PATH                      List of Point Spread Functions to use for
                                  deconvolution. Each of which should be a 3D
                                  array. Each PSF can also be provided as a
                                  `str` path, in which case they will be
                                  loaded from disk as images.
  --decon-num-iter INTEGER        Number of iterations to perform in
                                  deconvolution   \[default: 10]
  --background TEXT               Background value to subtract for
                                  deconvolution. Only used when
                                  `decon_processing` is set to `GPU`. This can
                                  either be a literal number, "auto" which
                                  uses the median of the last slice, or
                                  "second_last" which uses the median of the
                                  last slice.   \[default: 0]
  --time-range <INTEGER INTEGER>...
                                  The range of times to process. This defaults
                                  to all time points in the image array.
  --channel-range <INTEGER INTEGER>...
                                  The range of channels to process. This
                                  defaults to all time points in the image
  --save-dir PATH                 The directory where the output data will be
                                  saved. This can be specified as a `str` or
  --save-name TEXT                The filename that will be used for output
                                  files. This should not contain a leading
                                  directory or file extension. The final
                                  output files will have additional elements
                                  added to the end of this prefix to indicate
                                  the region of interest, channel, timepoint,
                                  file extension etc.
  --save-type [h5|tiff]           The data type to save the result as. This
                                  will also be used to determine the file
                                  extension of the output files. Choices:
                                  `{"h5", "tiff"}`. Choices can alternatively
                                  be specifed as `str`, for example `'tiff'`.
                                  \[default: h5]
  --workflow PATH                 If defined, this is a workflow to add
                                  lightsheet processing onto
  --json-config PATH              Path to a JSON file from which parameters
                                  will be read.
  --yaml-config PATH              Path to a YAML file from which parameters
                                  will be read.
  --show-schema / --no-show-schema
                                  If provided, image processing will not be
                                  performed, and instead a JSON document
                                  outlining the JSON/YAML options will be
                                  printed to stdout. This can be used to
                                  assist with writing a config file for use
                                  with the --json-config and --yaml-config
                                  options.  \[default: no-show-schema]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.