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First, create a new conda environment:

conda create -n napari-lattice -c conda-forge "python==3.10" uv pycudadecon "numpy<2"


We include pycudadecon to enable GPU accelerated deconvolution.

Activate that environment:

conda activate napari-lattice

Then use uv to quickly install the napari-lattice suite using the following 2 commands:

uv pip install lls-core napari-lattice
uv pip install "napari==0.5.5" --upgrade "numpy<2"

CLI only

If you do not need to use napari, then you can install just the command line interface only, which has all the features

conda create -n napari-lattice -c conda-forge "python==3.10" uv pycudadecon "numpy<2"
uv pip install lls-core

Development Installation

To install the development version of lls-core, create the napari-lattice environment as above, but instead of installing from pip in the last step:

git clone
cd napari_lattice
uv pip install -e core -e plugin
uv pip install napari --upgrade "numpy<2"